Rainer Hunold

Art Casting - AL23 - 2022

Rainer Hunold is not only a talented actor, but also a successful sculptor. For many years he has devoted himself passionately to the art of sculpture. Hunold's works are characterized by their expressiveness and aesthetics.

In his sculptures, Hunold skillfully combines different materials and forms. He plays with contrasts, creating fascinating works that captivate viewers. The artist attaches great importance to details and works precisely to breathe life into his works.

Hunold draws inspiration from nature, the human figure and abstract forms. His sculptures often embody emotions and express human conditions. Each work tells its own story and is thought-provoking.

Despite the acting success, Hunold makes time for sculpture. His sculptures, exhibited globally, earn great acclaim.

Rainer Hunold's talent proves his artistic versatility. His sculptures enrich the art scene and inspire art lovers worldwide.